domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Example of Exploratory Study - II

The purpose ol our session today is to review the design lor a new web site and get your opinions about it. As we review this design together, I will be asking you a series of questions about what you see and how you expect things to work. Please (eel free to ask any questions and otter any observations during the session. There are no wrong answers or stupid questions. This product is in a very preliminary stage; do not be concerned ifit acts in unexpected ways.
Let's begin with a hypothetical situation. You would like to understand just what it is that this company offers.
(User indicates how (he task would be attempted, or attempts to do the task if the navigation works.)
You would like to calculate the cost lor offerings from this company. How do you start?
{User indicates how the task would be attempted, or attempts to do the task if the navigation works.)

Okay, you've found the pricing page. What does it tell you?
(User discusses the information on the page, describing what is useful, clear (or not), and where there could be more detail.)
Figure 3-4 A Portion of an exploratory test script

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