lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Practice "Bare Attention"

;'Bare attention" practice is an adjunct to meditation practice exceot .hat » heighten your abUity to concentrate during test sessfons. TopcC attention set aside a period of time (15-30 minutes is more than enough to begin) when you .nationally and very deliberately heighten vour awarene^ of whatever you happen to be doing and of your surroundings: For exam!?, you are working at a computer, experience very deliberately the sense of vour fingers hitting the keys, of your eyes looking from the paper to the screen of
your thought process. Notice when (and how often) your mind wanders from what you are doing, and when it does, gently bring it back to the present task at hand. The intent is to stay in the present moment 100 percent of the time. Trv it sometime just to see how difficult it is. This practice, as with the previously
described meditation practice, helps to foster mindfulness and awareness

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