sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Select a Data Collection Method

Once you are clear about the type of data you want to collect and how it will help you to achieve the test objectives, the next challenge is to develop the means for collecting that data. In terms of data collection instruments, you are limited only by your imagination, resources, and the time required to develop
the instruments. Will you have help with the collection? Will you have help reducing and analyzing the data once it is collected? It makes no sense at all to design a data collection method that requires extensive analysis of 20 hours of video recordings if you only have 2 weeks after the test in which to provide a
test report.
Envision yourself creating the test report and even making a presentation to members of the team. Visualize the type of findings you will want to report if not the actual content. Then, given the amount of time and resources at your disposal, plan how you will get to that point once the test has ended. Your data col echon effort should be bounded by that constraint, unless you realistically feel that you or someone else will be able to analyze the additional data later

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