miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Summary - II

The elements of a rich navigation are the following:
 Identifying the navigation criteria such as content, function, space, personas, volume, devices, or platforms that influence navigation in a particular system.
 Selecting the appropriate navigation paradigm considering all the applicable navigation criteria which have been identified.
 Selecting the appropriate navigation component for each paradigm selected.
 Providing the appropriate interaction in each navigation component selected.
 Providing the appropriate special effect for each interaction in order to increase intuitiveness and richness.
 Providing intelligent behavior in each navigation component such as remembrance, shortcuts, suggestions, and recommendations based on system defaults, user’s personal preferences, and user’s selection habits.
The integration of all the above elements is what produces the richness. Useful alone, doesn’t mean usable. Usable alone doesn’t mean functional. Functional alone doesn’t mean powerful. Powerful alone doesn’t beautiful. Beautiful alone doesn’t mean desirable. Finally, desirable doesn’t mean useful, and thus, completing a full circle. In other words, the total of all those elements is greater than the sum of each separate element, requiring a holistic approach to attain richness in navigation.

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