sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012


Despite the advent of videos on the web, textual content dominates the websphere. Whenever videos are used, their content complements the textual content of a website. For instance, a webpage that includes a text description and some pictures of a product, may also include a video of the product being used. In this case, the text content which describes the product is different than the video which highlights the usage of the product. With the quick and wide adoption of videos along with the availability and the affordability of broadband, future websites will become true multimedia platforms by expanding the applicability of videos to infomercials, in which case, the same textual information is also conveyed in audio or video. Hence, users will be totally empowered by being able to not just choose the information that they wish to get, but also choose the format that they prefer. In essence, websites will become a combination of publication and television with the advantage of being connected, on-demand, searchable, traceable, customizable, reviewable, and referable.

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