lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Navigation Components - II

Behavior: In an RIC, each state such as enabled, disabled, hovered, clicked, and selected are clearly identified and uniquely associated with a behavior (visual effect, sound effect, etc.), style (embossed, engraved, etc.), and action (motion, animation, etc.).
 Analysis: certain RICs should have the capability of collecting and analyzing statistics for the purpose of diagnosing and recommending. For example, the capability of analyzing the content of the current webpage and recommending similar or competing web pages; providing the list of most visited or the highest rated webpages; providing a history of webpages visited or functions executed; and automatically creating shortcuts based on such analyses and recommendations.
 Intelligence: certain RICs should have embedded self-learning intelligence gathered by defaults, preferences, remembrance, and analyses. In essence, an RIC is like wine – it gets better with age. The more an RC is used, the more satisfying it becomes to the point where a user can feel certain intimacy with the system, which in turn creates trust, credibility, and ultimately, a much richer user experience.
 Personalization: users should be able to personalize (not to be confused with customization by the webmaster) the skin, the behavior, and the intelligence of RICs based on their personal preferences.

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