martes, 15 de enero de 2013

A Day in the Life of the Participant

Well, todays the day. I received a confirmation email yesterday and I am suppsed to report to some building over on Montgomery Stret, come sort of research facility I feel kind ol intimidated when someone watches me do things over my shoulder 
Technology can be really betuddling It s always been that way ever smce l cln remember. I can't louch-type, which makes using a computer slow (or m" And now this person wanls me to perform with some people watching me Weil it s an easy 75 bucks. I guess, and seeing as how I don't know these peoDle it'can't
be too embarrassing. 
So, I head over to the building where l1m supposed to report and a man greets me at the front door. He ushers me into a room, hands me a questionnaire, and begins asking me the same questions I answered on the phone. \ guess they want to make sure I'm really not some kind of ringer, rm starting to get that
nervous feeling in the middle of my stomach. That same feeking I used to get when I took those tests in fifth grade with Mrs, Harmer, That kind of feeling that I'm going to be put on the spot and I'm not quite sure how this is going to pan out. My palms are really starting to sweat. Maybe ! should have stayed home and
painted the garage floor.

I'm probably being silly, so I complete the questionnaire and begin making small talk with some of the people in the room. I'm just starling to relax when I'm ushered into another room. The room is empty, and I begin to wonder where everybody is. I just assumed there would be a lot ot people watching. The room is large, with a table, a desk, computer, and a piece of equipment I've never seen before. I'm totd to sit down. That's when somebody else comes into the room and begins to explain that I'll be working in this room by myself and some people on the other side of the glass will be watching me.

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