sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

Retrospective Review

An alternative to having participants think aloud is to replay the test with the participant after all of the tasks are done. As the moderator, you will have noted where during tasks the participant had issues question, or
After the tasks are done, you can to/g.e to the point you want the parttcipant to discuss what issues he or she was having wha^e bought processes were, and how the workarounds were arrived at Revi^w can be a good tool to use with participants for whom talking and working as smaU children'very old adu,te'^ s
A senous drawback to performing a review is the time it takes to do You have completed a fult slate of tasks and now must spend more time review™ he session from the beginning. It can take as much time as or more timf than the mam part of the session actually took. Some practitioners also avoid retrospective review because it gives some participants opportunity to revise and rationalize their behavior rather than simply reporting on what happened

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