sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Schedule and Confirm Participants - I

As you interview participants to see whether they meet the selection criteria, we recommend that you collect their top three available dates and times as well but not make any immediate commitments. This gives you greater flexibility in moving participants around on your personal scheduling Ouija board before finalizing the session schedule and mix of participants.
When you have the availability information, you can also set priorities among the pool of participants. If there are people in the pool whom you definitely want to be in the study, but they have limited or special times
available, schedule them first and then schedule other people with more flexible schedules around them. Availability may be tied to the incentive offered. If you're having difficulty finding and scheduling qualified participants, you may need to increase the amount that participants will be compensated for their time, or flex your session schedule to nonworking hours.
Once you have deeded who should be in which sessions, send an email (or if email ,s not available, phone or send a letter if there is time) to the participant with the information about the appointment time, date, and location Include any special instructions (such as where visitor parking is or requirements for checking in at reception), along with a reminder about the amount and conditions for getting the incentive. In your follow-up communication ask participants to acknowledge that they have received it by replying to you

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